RD-Biotech: laureate “France Relance, volet Résilience”
On Thursday 30 September 2021, RD-Biotech was pleased to welcome Mr Jean-François Colombet, Prefect of the Doubs, as part of the France Relance plan, Résilience category.
Selected by the French government as part of the France Relance plan, the project to build a GMP-grade production unit will complement our current R&D grade and "High Quality Grade" ("GMP like") plasmid DNA biomanufacturing capacities, in order to answer the growing of market demand in new therapies. Construction will soon begin on the Temis Santé site
Link to the article: RD-Biotech: lauréat sur le volet Résilience - santé
RD-Biotech is here to help you in your projects related to Covid-19!
Development / Production of monoclonal or recombinant antibodies - Expression vector construction - Antigen expression - DNA plasmid production...: Contact us for more information!
RD-Biotech winner of the call for projects of France Relance!
RD-BIOTECH, sees its project to build a production unit "Plasmids GMP" selected by the French State as the winner of the call for projects "AAP Recovery Plan for Industry - Strategic Sectors".
This production unit will complement our current plasma DNA bioproduction capabilities, R&D grade and "High Quality Grade", to meet a very fast growing demand of the new therapies market.
Link to the press release: RD-Biotech winner of the call for projects of France Relance!
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RD-Biotech is present in the magazine number 137 of Industrie Pharma
RD-Biotech was solicited to participate in this special file "Active ingredients" and present our activities of biomanufacturing of plasmid DNA.
Link to the article: RD-Biotech change de dimension
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